A statement about  tourism and Covid-19  was issued by both the UNWTO and the World Health Organization WHO, stating that international cooperation is important to ensure the ability of the tourism sector to effectively contribute to contain the pandemic, and to take the necessary health procedures to reduce travel and tourism To the minimum possibility, tourism specialists have moved fast  seeking to develop other tourism alternatives in line with the statement of the two organizations, focusing on the e-tourism, especially what is called virtual tourism.
Virtual Tourism

Do not be surprised, yes, in the current circumstances, which is an intermediate stage between the complete termination of the tourism activity and the next stage, which is the complete movement of the tourism activity, There must be an intermediate stage that accompanies the current situation and adapts to the current stage in order to exit from it and going to the next stage. One of the most important of these alternatives is the interest in virtual e-tourism, which is a preliminary stage
Virtual Tourism Fea

With the help of modern IT means, it has become possible to get out of the boredom that most of the people around the world suffer, as it is difficult to travel and move from place to place due to the pandemic. Virtual tourism on the Internet opens the doors to roaming in many regions of the world with sounds and images, so you can enjoy seeing natural or archaeological tourism and religious places which can be visited during the times of the visits allocated to them (which are provided by some TV channels, and there was an experience of the holy shrines on three-dimensional mobile phones to wander in the corridors of the shrine) and move spiritually to physical places without traveling by the traditional way, as it can be transferred from Your home to many tourism destinations while you are at home in front of your pc, laptop, tablet or mobile phone, using the latest technologies that modern science has reached, which is called virtual reality, which depends on a group of different  technologies. There are also recent researches that seek to include the senses in this virtual tourism, such as hearing, smell and touch.
What is Virtual Tourism

  • Will this virtual world be enough to satisfy our desires that are eager to enter into a specific tourism experiences?
  • Is virtual tourism an instantaneous experience that will fade away as the pandemic fades out?

Share your opinion, vision, point of view and experience with us if you certainly did this kind of virtual tourism.